Friday, July 1, 2011

Go Time

Oliver, 4 months, ready for the big trip.
Tomorrow my au pair family plans to ship everything they own back to the States and head off to Italy with just the clothes on their back. OK, not quite -- we're actually taking quite a lot in the van, along with the giant golden retriever -- but it will doubtless be a long, hard day. We're planning to leave at around 4:00, which means it will actually be around 6:00 when we hit the road for three weeks of vacation. It will probably be emotional to say goodbye to the neighbors and the house of two years. The movers will pack stuff they're not supposed to pack and the house will echo when Oliver announces he's hungry. Let me guess -- as soon as we leave, the boys will immediately be starving, the dog will breathe in my face, and we will immediately (and forever) lose five important things in the melange of luggage piled to the ceiling. Yessir, here we go. 

Julie and Ian with the Italy vacationmobile.

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